Sunday, June 11, 2006

Jack Kingston is a tool!

With all the issues facing our country, this is what the congressman from Georgia's 1st district posts on his blog!

Dipsie Chicks v. Toby Keith

I appreciate that IM slang and other abbreviations have become a regular part of our language, but I don't think it reflects well on the congressman that this post seems like it came from a twelve-year-old girl. I don't know 'bout y'all, but I am so ready for a change. He's had his fourteen years, and that's about a decade too long. Jim Nelson for Congress!


Anonymous said...

Share your opinion of Kingston. However, you should know that providing a link for his blog drives traffic his way and makes it possible for his consultants to "sell" the traffic tallies to advertisers. In other words, the more traffic he sees on his site, the more advertisers will pay. So, unless you want to support a site or candidate, don't provide links for 'clicks'


P.S. Can I entice you to post on the GA-01
Districtblog? It gets awfully lonely there. This site was set up by the DNC--a page for every congressional district.

liberalandproud said...

While I certainly am not keen on the idea of supporting a candidate by drawing advertisers to his site, I feel that we must take the fight to them. By posting a link, I am encouraging folks to go to his blog and start posting some opposing opinions. I have to say, I haven't seen any ads on his blog, so I'm not sure that's an actual concern. We can't just keep preaching to the choir. Jack Kingston's blog is extremely popular, even without a link from my blog. We should be using his own blog against him.