Wednesday, October 18, 2006

LWV ballot guide: Part 2

2) Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to provide that the tradition of hunting and fishing and the taking of fish and wildlife shall be preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for the public good? (SR 67, passed in 2005)
EXPLANATION: Provides formal recognition of hunting and fishing as traditions in the state.
PROS: Constitutionally recognizes hunting and fishing as traditions in Georgia and could be interpreted or used in future instances to mandate funding for wildlife resource management to preserve these activities.
CONS: Georgia law already provides funding for wildlife resource management for hunting and fishing and it is unknown what impact or additional protections may be offered if these activities are constitutionally recognized.
From League of Women Voters of Georgia Ballot Guide

Another redundant amendment!

1 comment:

Kendrick Brown said...

Loved readding this thanks